Dr. Reed Shiraki
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Entries in adjustment (39)


Michael Panzo's Chiropractic Story

One of the most heartfelt, amazing chiropractic testimonials I have ever read. Thank you, Mike.

Michael loving life on his motorcycle.

I Have Hit a Milestone

I have hit a milestone, one that I never dreamed of. My life from 2004 until 2013, I have been under tremendous pain, which fluctuated anywhere from 5½ to 10, where I was at the mercy of the workers comp doctor who insisted I had hit a level where nothing else could be done, except to manage the pain by taking painkillers and muscle relaxers. I popped my L5 disc in a work injury where my health and body was slowly deteriorating, way before its time.

Days and nights were so miserable, at times it hurt just to breath. Steps had to be taken one agonizing step at a time. I basically had to face facts . . . this was my life and I’d just have to do the best I could without complaint.

I would be the first to admit, If God wanted to take me home, I was truly ready to go, regardless how much I love life.

Then in December of 2012, my wife woke up, where she couldn’t get out of bed due to a pinched nerve in her back. I literally had to lift her out of bed, and support her as best I could. She was in a lot of pain and couldn’t even roll over. We sure made quite a pair, in our early 50’s and feeling like we were like we were in our 90’s. She would cry, tears streaming past her cheeks, stating now she knew what I must be going through, and she just never realized the difficulty of mobility I had to endure on a day-to-day basis. Three days passed, where she stated she had to see Reed Shiraki, for she had this happen once before and insisted he could help her. At a moments notice, Dr. Shiraki informed her that he would squeeze her in his already busy schedule.

As Dr. Shiraki started to work on her, I watched intently and the movements of the “adjustments”. They seemed so mildly performed, that I thought how could “it”, chiropractic mild adjustments, have any effect what so ever. My wife went in again the following day and insisted the pain had subsided. She was seeing Doctor Shiraki a few more times and suggested that I allow him to work on me. For me, I resigned myself to the fact, that my life was what it was, after all, I already had a Doctor whom I respected, inform me, I had to face the reality, I was as good as I would ever get, and the best thing I could do for myself was just to accept it and try to make the best of it.

With prodding from my wife, I Reluctantly I agreed, for I felt, my wife would have gotten better all in good time without the good Dr. Shiraki. But what did I have to loose.

At my first visit, Dr. Shiraki took x-rays of my back where he found my spine had curved to the right from me babying my injured side and from me shifting weight away from the side that hurt. Even my hips were mis-aligned due to muscles that tightened up on one side more than the other, an after effect of my body and mind trying to over compensate in dealing with my pain level.

While most people walked with meaningful strides, I Hobbled. With all this going on, Dr. Shiraki insisted he could help if I allowed him. He indicated though, the process would be slow, but he felt positive he would be able to slowly manipulate my bones back into position, which would – theoretically – allow me to walk, not hobble and minimize the pain if not remove it. Of course, I’m thinking snake oil salesman if I ever heard one, but again, what did I have to lose. Dr. Shiraki laid out a plan; I had to get 3 treatments a week with a minimum of 86 treatments to start off with. He must have seen the skepticism in my eyes, for then he added, if I stuck with it, he was sure he could help me. In my mind, I was repeating, sure Doc, sure . . .

Its now approximately 14 short months later, and I’m worst off than ever – Kidding!

My wife now looks at me in amazement, and comments how I can actually walk like a normal person. I’m no longer hobbling with a gate like Quasimodo of the hunchback of Notre Dame, and today I was amazed to realize my pain level was around a 4, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low and 10 being high.

I should mention, prior to my injury, I went from someone truly physically active, 180 pound male, who hit the gym 3 times a day, 3 days a week, and on my off days played tennis, golfed and would run 5 miles just because I could. After being injured and operated on, I went to being homebound. As far as sports activities were concerned, that was a thing of the past, and I weighed 260 pounds when I first started to see Dr. Shiraki.

The effects of seeing Dr. Shiraki, as been nothing but a Blessing. He truly is one of the Angels sent by God himself to help me through my lowest point, in my life. The fact that my gait and stride is normal, I’ve been doing more walking, just because I’m now able to. My weight is now down to 245. Today is February 10th, and I had the pride to let Dr. Shiraki know that my pain level was down to a 4, something I never thought would be possible.

I’m actually thinking of going back to the gym again, I feel that good compared to what I use to feel. My back is straightening out and my hips are once again level. I still have my bad days, but they have gotten less and less. I have been humbled before God and he has bestowed upon me one of his Angels, gifted with sensibility and determination to help his fellow men. And so I am compelled to put my personal miracle on paper . . . I was a skeptic, and now I too can see. Stay tune, as I hope to update my story and progress in time . . .

The Moral to this Story . . . God leads us to various paths which benefit us, where there is hurt – he finds ways to heal and often it evolves the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual, for all 3 realms are effected in any crises.

In my case, through the grace of God, he led me to Dr. Shiraki.


Three Types of Chiropractors

Had a professor tell the class this one day.

In a restaurant, three different chiropractors overhear a person from a nearby table complain about his excruciating back pain.

One chiropractor hides his face behind the menu because he hopes no one recognizes him.  He's there to relax and enjoy a good meal, not to work.

The second chiropractor finds an appropriate time to walk over to that man and hand him a business card and invites him to give the office a call.

The third doctor immediately walks over to the person in pain and says, "Excuse me.  I'm sorry, but I couldn't help overhearing that you have some back pain.  I'm a chiropractor.  I'd like you to lie down on the floor right here and I'll give you a quick adjustment."

Then, of course, he does. 


One Shoe On, One Shoe Off

Walk around like that for a week and you'll know why an unlevel pelvis needs to get adjusted.


Intuition and Flow

My brother, Ronn, wrote an interesting blog post last month:


...to train light and smooth with a giving and taking of positions. This is achieved by finding a perfect balance between waiting and acting such that flow is achieved: a flow-like dance between two individuals that will open up every possible movement and familiarize the user of this style of training to the myriad of situations otherwise unavailable.

It reminded me of a post I wrote about the "dance of the chiropractic adjustment" a few years ago.

Intuition and flow.  We chiropractors need more of this as we adjust and align and help others maximize their healing.


The Chiropractic Crack

Some patients fear that cracking sound that often accompanies an adjustment.  Others crave it.

But what exactly is it?  That crack.

The sound is referred to as a cavitation which is a drop of pressure in the fluid surrounding a joint.  The cracking sound is not bones breaking or ligaments tearing.  It's more akin to the pop you get when a bottle of champagne is uncorked.

When people see me adjust a patient's neck for the first time and hear that crack, I think memories of late night kung-fu movies come to mind.  Or the films with ninjas that sneak up behind the enemy guard and twist their neck.  You hear a sickening crack and ninja's victim collapses to the floor.

The chiropractic adjustment is nothing like this.  It is controlled, gentle, and very specific.

Most patients find the whole adjustment (cracks and all) to be extremely relaxing.

And for those dear patients who simply cannot overcome their apprehension of the cracking adjustments, I have several other chiropractic techniques and instruments that elicit absolutely no cavitation.  I'll custom my approach to make sure the chiropractic experience is stress free and enjoyable.  You all deserve nothing less!



The objective of the chiropractic adjustment is to restore the spine to perfect alignment.

When the spine is aligned, the nerve flow and the force of innate intelligence is unimpeded and life can be properly expressed.  This allows all functions of the body to run perfectly, including all processes of healing and mainenance of health.

When the spine is not in alignment, it becomes impossible for the nervous system and our innate intelligence to function properly.  As a result, wellness cannot be achieved.

The principle of proper alignment applies not only to our spines, but our personal morality and values.

Deep down in all of us, we each have a code.  A code that we know in our hearts that we must abide by.

Some refuse to admit that there is a code.  Others dismiss the code as an unreachable standard.

But the code exists.  And when we fail to align ourselves with that code, we begin to breakdown spiritually.  As a result, happiness cannot be achieved.


The Prayer-Chiropractic Analogy

Yesterday's post was about prayer.  (Please check that out first.)

Because similarly, I have noticed:

Some get adjusted on a regular basis.  It's a habit.

And some get adjusted many, many times throughout their life.  Spinal alignment is an ongoing, constant process towards achieving better health.  Chiropractic has become more than a habit... receiving spinal adjustments has become a wellness addiction of sorts.  A necessary part of life.

Others get adjusted more infrequently.  Once in a great while, usually when the pains of life get too tough to bear on their own.  Adjustments for them are remembered only during times of suffering.  No pain, no chiropractic is needed.

Despite the frequency patterns of chiropractic we have developed in our life, there is a basis of faith behind it all, regardless.  Those who get their spines adjusted whether once a week, once a month, or even once a year, see their chiropractor because they believe there is a correlation between an aligned spine and a properly functioning nervous system.  Which is essential to a happy, healthy life.

A person who considers chiropractic to be quackery, of course, will never get adjusted.

Someone who hopes that chiropractic might work and hopes that a chiropractor might help them during their struggles, may get adjusted during the hard times.

But when that hope turns to faith and that faith approaches knowledge, chiropractic becomes a powerful connection between the Universal Intelligence and the Innate Intelligence.  A help and a blessing.


Shiraki Dreams of Adjustments

Last night, my wife and I watched this great documentary, Jiro Dreams of Sushi.

For most of his life, Jiro has been mastering the art of making sushi, but even at his age he sees himself still striving for perfection, working from sunrise to well beyond sunset to taste every piece of fish; meticulously train his employees; and carefully mold and finesse the impeccable presentation of each sushi creation.

Jiro is a master and his quest for perfection is centered on his belief that "ultimate simplicity leads to purity."  This path requires crazy devotion and a superhuman work ethic.

I want to adjust spines the way Jiro makes sushi.

However, I am not willing to make the same sacrifices.  In order to achieve his dreams of sushi, Jiro was never at home with his family.  He failed as a husband and father in order to succeed as a shokunin.

So while I may dream of the perfect adjustment, I will not sacrifice away my family and faith to achieve it. But just perhaps, despite my reluctance to have that Jiro-like monomaniacal focus, perhaps, I may someday come close.

Can what I lack in that unrelenting, laser focus be compensated and justified through alignment, balance, flexibility and love?

We shall see, I guess, in the next four decades, how it all turns out.


A Cook, a Chef, and a Chiropractor

The future belongs to chefs, not to cooks… A cook is not an artist. A cook follows a recipe, and he's a good cook if he follows the recipe correctly. --Seth Godin

When doctors graduate from chiropractic college, all emerge, diploma in hand, as cooks.  Spinal technicians.  The hours spent in the classroom and student clinic are all geared to develop detailed, precise skills to diagnose and adjust a vertebral subluxation.  In school, creativity and originality are frowned upon.  We are taught that there is only one right way to utilize an adjustment technique.  We are graded by how precisely we can practically reproduce all the standards of an adjustment technique.

There is absolutely no art.

Despite the fact that from day one, we are taught in chiropractic school that chiropractic is a science, a philosophy... and an art.

The most unfortunate thing is that years after attaining their degree, many if not most doctors of chiropractic will still prefer being a cook over being a chef.

Being a cook is safe.  Being a chiropractic cook takes away some of the stress of accountability; the technique is the recipe.  Just follow the recipe and if the outcome fails, it's the recipe's fault not the cook's.

It can even get to the point where a chiropractor may begin to seek after additional recipes to follow-- even outside the realms of adjusting technique.  For the desperate chiropractic cooks, certain practice management experts are more than happy to sell them specific "proven" scripts on what to say when you meet a patient for the first time, do a report of findings, and close a treatment plan sale.

Word for word.  Just follow the script (recipe) and get paid.

What our chiropractic profession desperately needs are more doctors who are willing to step up and be chefs. Doctors who claim their adjustments to be works of art.  Doctors who realize that the words which come out of their mouth must not only educate, but inspire patients.

Chiropractic artists who create and share freely.  From the heart.


The Three Medical Options

When a patient sees a medical doctor because of pain-- whether it be migraines, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, etc., there are three courses of care 99.9% of the time.

  1. The doctor will prescribe a drug.  The problem with drug therapy is that it does nothing to correct the cause of the pain.  Medications only attack the effect.  At best, the relief is temporary.  At worst, chronic use of drugs can cause damage to the kidneys and liver.  Strong prescription painkillers can be addicting and cause new, worse problems for the patient.
  2. If the pain is severe enough and actual damage has been done to the tendons, spinal discs, ligaments and/or bones, the medical recommendation will probably be surgery. These invasive procedures are designed to fix damaged structures that could have remained healthy if they were properly cared for and maintained.
  3. The third option is a referral to a physical therapist.  Physical therapy can be a great approach to rehabilitating muscles and other soft tissues after an injury.  However, many times a physical therapist will focus only on stretching and strengthening exercises to the injured area before sufficient healing has occured.

So when you see a medical doctor in search of relief, expect one of the three: drugs, surgery or PT.  The focus will be on the symptom, not the cause of the symptom.  A chiropractor, on the other hand, will assess the problem with the intent to uncover the cause.  And if, in fact, the pain is either directly caused by or exacerbated by a spinal subluxation, the one and only option will be to correct the misaligned backbone with a chiropractic adjustment.